About US

A company you can trust.

Becoming the Central Supply Hub

Hamiico’s perspective is to promote exports to middle Asia, along with the quantitative and qualitative expansion of products and domestic sales. Based on the “Hamiico” brand, the Company is hopeful of  stabilizing itself as a central Hub for supplying raw materials in the region.


Dated back to 1989, Faratech parsian founders started their commercial activities in the form of a family business called “Ahari Commerce”, which was active in importing raw textile materials. In the very first years of business initiation, Faratech parsian entered into supplying the raw materials necessary for producing household gloves based on the market need. Since 1993, importing & distributing natural latex was company’s primary business, and this was the beginning of entering the world of rubber & chemical raw materials.


“Faratech Parsian Co.” was founded in 2010 to develop & complete a group of products needed in tire manufacturing.”Faratech Parsian Co.” has been supplying various raw materials (needed in the respective industries) on time, based on the opinion of experienced experts and precise identification of market demand during these years.


Our Vision: Becoming the central Hub in Iran and middle Asia for supplying raw materials in tires, rubber, plastics, and chemicals.

OUR MISSION: Importing raw materials for manufacturing tires, rubber, plastics, chemicals, and auto parts of the highest quality, supplied by the most reputable international manufacturers.

Our Value: Superiority, honesty, customer orientation, quality, and development.

History timeline


Ahari trading established

Ahari trading has been operating as a family business since 1989 specializing in the import of raw materials for textile industry.


Started importing natural rubber latex

In response to market demand for household gloves, the company began importing raw materials, specifically natural latex, from Malaysia for this industry in 1993.


Faratech Parsian Co. established

Faratech company was established to import essential rubber materials, catering to the growing demand in the market. 


Hamiico established

Hamiico brand was established to import essential plastic, rubber, and chemicals, catering to the growing demand in the market. 


Going on...

The company is expanding its operations, enhancing product offerings, and exploring new markets to capitalize on new opportunities.


Our team

Hamiico’s Commercial Experts are ready to connect with you and hear your needs.